UIBMpoint, visible and easy to reach at the fair to receive companies and visitors, listen to their needs, provide guidance on incentives, offer free legal advice to protect and enhance your business.
ConferenzaGNL was launched in 2012, from an idea by Diego Gavagnin, to promote and enhance the use of liquefied natural gas in the decarbonisation process in the context of the ecological transition.
In 10 years, ConferenzaGNL has established itself as a landmark for the sector thanks to its innovation-oriented scientific approach and has managed to bring European and national institutions, associations, companies and experts to the same table to discuss the use of LNG in transport, industry and isolated networks in Italy and the Mediterranean.
During the annual meetings, the central topics related to the utilisation and development of LNG are addressed with a watchful eye on the new challenges of the industry. One above all, the transition and future potential of bio-LNG.
For three days, Bologna will be a vibrant platform for views sharing about green transition and its needs.
UIBMpoint, visible and easy to reach at the fair to receive companies and visitors, listen to their needs, provide guidance on incentives, offer free legal advice to protect and enhance your business.
Bologna, 12 settembre 2022 – Un mese al via delle 6 manifestazioni di BolognaFiere Water&Energy- BFWE - che vedranno Bologna al centro della transizione ecologica. HESE, ConferenzaGNL, Fuels Mobility, CH4, FORUM ACCADUEO e Dronitaly animeranno il quartiere fieristico di BolognaFiere per 3 giorni di meeting e convegni, dal 12 al 14 ottobre 2022.